Multi-contexts basics

Novius OS can natively manage several websites, and each of them can have several linguistic versions.
A context is a site / language pair.


Your Novius OS instance can manage your showcase website, which exists in 3 languages (French, English and Spanish), your mobile website, which only exists in French and your events website, which exists in English.

Site / Language French English Spanish
Showcase X X X
Mobile X    
Events X    

In this situation, yout Novius OS instance manages 5 contexts:

  • Showcase / French
  • Showcase / English
  • Showcase / Spanish
  • Mobile / French
  • Events / English


Everything to configure the contexts is described in the API documentation

Special cases

He who can do more can do less. Your Novius OS can manage:

  • a single website with several languages;
  • several websites in a single language;
  • a single website in a single language.
The back-office interface reacts to any of these situations. The _context_ word will disappear in favor of _language_ or _site_.
It can ever vanish completely for a single website in a single language.

Adding contexts

It can be done at any time! Novius OS will happily manage every new contexts, sites or languages found in the configuration. Just change the contexts.config.php file and new contexts will be taken into account straight away.