Add an action in the admin

Actions are defined in the config/common/{model}.config.php file.

The best way to proceed is to be inspired by the default existing actions of Novius OS.


Action’s configuration contains {{placeholders}}.

  • Replaced with PHP :

    • {{model_label}}: the model name
    • {{controller_base_url}}: URL of the model’s controller
  • Replaced by the App Desk (JavaScript) :
    • {{context}}: current context (or first one when several are shown)

Every other placeholders are replaced according to the data of the item: {{_id}} and {{_title}} in this case, but also any field defined in the data_mapping.

Action’s target

There are 3 possibles targets for the actions:

  • toolbar-grid: App Desk’s toolbar
  • grid: item line in the main grid of the App Desk
  • toolbar-edit: toolbar on the editing / addition form
'grid' target of actions 'edit' target of actions

Add / Edit / Delete

add action:

  • opens a new tab ;
  • calls the action_insert_update() method on the Nos\Media\Controller_Admin_Media controller ;
  • with the $_GET['context'] parameter, allowing to pre-select the active context ;
  • is only shown in the App Desk’s toolbar.

edit action:

  • opens the edition form (the method is not specified for nosTabs, so the default open value will be used: it will focus the existing tab if it’s already opened, or will create a new one otherwise ;
  • calls the action_insert_update( $id ) method on the Nos\Media\Controller_Admin_Media controller ;
  • with an id parameter ;
  • is only shown in the main grid.

delete action:

  • calls the action_delete( $id ) method on the Nos\Media\Controller_Admin_Media controller ;
  • with an id parameter ;
  • is shown both in the main grid and the edition form, but only for existing items (not for adding new items).

 return array(

     // Default ADD action
     'add' => array(
         'label' => __('Add {{model_label}}'),
         'primary' => true,
         // Opens a new tab on click
         'action' => array(
             'action' => 'nosTabs',
             'method' => 'add',
             'tab' => array(
                 'url' => '{{controller_base_url}}insert_update?context={{context}}',
         // The ation is only be shown in the App Desk's toobar
         'targets' => array(
             'toolbar-grid' => true,

     // default EDIT action
     'edit' => array(
         'label' => __('Edit'),
         'primary' => true,
         'icon' => 'pencil',
         // Opens the item on click (will refocus the tab when existing)
         'action' => array(
             'action' => 'nosTabs',
             'tab' => array(
                 'url' => "{{controller_base_url}}insert_update/{{_id}}",
                 'label' => '{{_title}}',
         // The action is only be shown in the main grid
         'targets' => array(
             'grid' => true,

     // Default DELETE action
     'delete' => array(
         'label' => __('Delete'),
         'primary' => true,
         'icon' => 'trash',
         'red' => true,
         // Opens a confirmation popup on click
         'action' => array(
             'action' => 'confirmationDialog',
             'dialog' => array(
                 'contentUrl' => '{{controller_base_url}}delete/{{_id}}',
                 'title' => strtr($config['i18n']['deleting item title'], array(
                     '{{title}}' => '{{_title}}',
         // The action is shown both in the main grid and the edition form...
         'targets' => array(
             'grid' => true,
             'toolbar-edit' => true,
         // ...but not for new items!
         'visible' => function($params) {
             return !isset($params['item']) || !$params['item']->is_new();