You have added thumbnails to your model. Now you want to displaying them in front-office.
In list mode, you want to displaying them cropped to 150x150 pixels and in grayscale.
In your list view:
foreach ($items as $item) {
echo $item->thumbnail->getToolkitImage()->crop_resize(150, 150)->grayscale()->html(array(
'style' => 'float:right;'
echo '<h2><a href="', $item->url(), '">', e($item->title), '</a></h2>';
In item page, you want to display the thumbnail with a max width of 300 pixels and a max height of 200 pixels, and a rotation of 15 degrees.
In your item’s view:
echo $item->thumbnail->getToolkitImage()->shrink(300, 200)->rotate(15)->html();
echo '<h1>', e($item->title), '</h1>';
echo '<p>', e($item->description), '</p>';