Alter a behaviour of the front-office ##################################### Novius OS provides an event-base mechanisme to interact with the core. There are 2 types of events: - Those which can alter data ; - Those which only notify an action occurred. .. code-block:: php fields as $field) { if ($field->anfi_field_type == 'email' && !empty($field->anfi_value) { $email = Email::forge(); $email->from('', 'My email'); $email->to($field->anfi_value); $email->subject('Your contact request'); // Textual email (use html_body() instead if you want to send HTML email) $email->body('Thank you for contacting us. We received it and will answer to you soon.'); try { $email->send(); } catch(\Exception $e) { // Could not send the email } } } });