Differences with FuelPHP ######################## Constants path ************** See :ref:`API documentation for constants `. Autoloader ********** Two ``namespaces`` are added by Novius OS : :novius-os: points to :ref:`NOSPATH `. :local: points to :ref:`APPPATH `. Bootstrap and entry points ************************** In Novius OS, front-office and back-office are two very separated areas. So instead of a single :file:`index.php` entry point from FuelPHP, Novius OS has two entry points: * :file:`~/novius-os/htdocs/admin.php`: Back-office entry point. Handles all URL starting with :file:`/admin/`. * :file:`~/novius-os/htdocs/front.php`: Front-office entry point. Handles all URL ending with ``.html`` or the root of your website. Back-office entry point ======================= Novius OS defines a special ``route`` for the back-office, which works as follow: .. code-block:: php array( '^admin/(:segment)/(:any)' => '$1/admin/$2', ), For example, the URL :file:`admin/noviusos_page/page/insert_update/113` will be transformed into :file:`noviusos_page/admin/page/insert_update/113`. Which boils down to executing the ``action_insert_update`` method from the ``Controller_Admin_Page`` ``controller`` of the ``noviusos_page`` application. .. seealso:: `FuelPHP's documentation about routing `__.